Other Tools Available for Research Partnerships
In the process of developing the Community Impacts of Research-Oriented Partnerships (CIROP) Measure, we have also created other structured data-gathering forms and checklists to be used by research partnerships.
The CIROP Respondent Form
The CIROP Respondent Form is a brief questionnaire that can be used alone or accompany the CIROP Measure. The purpose of this form is to gather descriptive background information about those who constitute the targeted audiences of a research partnership's research and dissemination activities. The information collected on the CIROP Respondent Form will help a research partnership to better understand the respondent's relationship to, or interaction with, a specific research partnership.
King, G., Servais, M., Currie, M., Kertoy, M., Law, M., Rosenbaum, P., Specht, J., Willoughby, T., Forchuk, C., & Chalmers, H. (2003). The CIROP Respondent Form. Published at www.impactmeasure.org.
Research Contact Checklist (RCC)
Research Partnerships produce and disseminate research-related material. In response to this material, Partnerships hope that their targeted audiences will in-turn contact the Partnerships. Research Partnerships want to know the number and the nature of the requests that they are receiving. The Research Contact Checklist (King, Law, Forchuk, Willoughby, Rosenbaum, Kertoy, Chalmers, Specht, Currie, & Servais, 2003) was created by the Impact Project Team to collect this information.
The Research Contact Checklist is meant to be used as a quick and easy way of tracking all requests related to the Partnership: specifically, who is contacting you, how are they contacting you, and what is the nature of their request.
King, G., Law, M., Forchuk, C., Willoughby, T., Rosenbaum, P., Kertoy, M., Chalmers, H., Specht, J., Currie, M., & Servais, M. (2003). The Research Contact Checklist. Published at www.impactmeasure.org.
Background Information Form for Research Partnerships (BIFRP)
The BIFRP is designed to collect descriptive background information about a Research Partnership. The BIFRP will provide research partnerships with ideas about the types of information that they may want to track.
King, G., Servais, M., Currie, M., Kertoy, M., Law, M., Rosenbaum, P., Specht, J., Willoughby, T., Forchuk, C., & Chalmers, H. (2003). Background Information Form for Research Partnerships (BIFRP). Published at www.impactmeasure.org.